Parts Inventory (12/21/10)
- Sold -
Assembled and tested board with M/P, MX-465P and latch chips
- $64 + $5.70 USPS Priority Mail
- Sold -
Board w/M/P, MX-465P and latch chips, LCD and Keypad
- $75 + $5.70 USPS Priority Mail shipping.
- Pre-Programmed M/P with the latest code
- $12 + $5.70 USPS Priority Mail shipping.
- 10 new boards with integrated CTCSS encode and decode on order.
- Converted Radio Inventory:
- Sold - GE
2 Meter High Split Rangr - 110 watts - pictures on website
- $45 + $13.50
Priority Mail shipping.
- Sold - GE 2 Meter High Split Delta - 110
watts - pictures on website
- $45 + $13.50 Priority Mail shipping.