1. Install 2 (two) 20 pin integrated circuit sockets (2 required) -                  649-DILB20P-223TLF  -     Cost: $.84
  2. Install 1 (on 5 volt regulator - LM7805  -                                               LM7805CT/NOPB  -           Cost:  $1.70
  3. Install D1 (1N4001 - or equiv)                                                              833-1N4001-TP -                Cost $.21
  4. Install  D2 (1N4148)                                                                            512-1N4148 -                       Cost. $. 10
  5. Install 8 (eight) mf capacitors (C1, C3, C4, C6, C9, C16, C17, C18)   594-K104Z15Y5VE5TL2     Costs: $1.16 (discounted cost for 10 units)
  6. Install 2 (two) .01 mf capacitors (C8, C15)                                           80-C324C103K3G5TA        Cost $.98
  7. Install 2 (two) 100 uh inductors (L4, L5)                                               434-22-101K                         Cost $.82
  8. Install 5 (five) 1K, 1/4 watt resistors (R1, R2, R4, R9, R11                   279-LR0204F1K0                 Cost $.65
  9. Install 1 (one) 3.9k 1/4 watt resistor (R3)                                              603-MFR-25FRF52-3K9      Cost $.10
  10. Install 4 (four) 10 K, 1/4 watt resistors (R5, R6, R15, R16)                  CCF5510K0FKE36               Cost: $.84
  11. Install 1 (one) 27 ohm, 1/4 watt resistor (R12)
      17.  Install 2 (two) 470 1/4 watt resistors (R10, R19)       18. Install 1 (one) 100 ohn, 1/4 watt resistor (R8)      19.  Install the 10 K trimmer resisor (R18) - used to adjust the DDS amplifier output level - max output possible is 6.0 VAC, peak-to-peak.        20.  Install 2 (two) 100 ohm 1/4 watt resistors (R7, R13) - part of 7 Mhz Butterworth Filter        21.  Install 2 (two) 390 pf capacitors (C10, C12) - part of 7 Mhz Butterworth Filter       22. Install 2 (two) 100 pf capacitors (C7, C13) - part of 7 Mhz Butterworth Filter       23.  Install 2 (two) 2.7 uh inductors (L1, L3) - part of 7 mhz Butterworth Filter       24.  Install 1 (one) 4.7 uh inductors (L2) - part of Butterworth Filter       25.  Install 2 (two) 10uf 25 volt electrolytics (C2, C5) - observe the polaity       26.  Install 2 (two) PN2222A (or equivalent) transistors (Q1, Q2)      27. Install pin header connectors at the following points:     You'll also need: